Friday, October 25, 2019

Climbing back on the horse

So, this week I went to see the new surgeon at my local bariatric office. As you guys know, my actual surgeon is in Baltimore, and I went to this new office a few times after we moved... But I had no insurance for a while, so I haven't been to the office in two years.

I like the new surgeon. She's nice, no nonsense, and the first words she said weren't "you should revise". She actually listened to me, and agreed that we will see what we can do with this Band to get me back on track. And then we can explore other options. Which was what I wanted.

So I go to the nutritionist on 11/7, and go in for a fill under flouro in January to check on the state of my band. If everything looks good, then we will go forward. If not, then we will do more testing. I'm optimistic that I can use this tool.

I'll be there first to admit that I eat too much. I drink with my meals. I don't eat alot of fast food, but I also don't exercise. All on me.

And it's on me to get my head straight. To change my habits. And to get control of my life.